Košice Regional Government - Tourism Section

Úrad Košického samosprávneho kraja - Referát cestovného ruchu
Contact: Natália Bránska (f) Director
Úrad Košického samosprávneho kraja, Námestie maratónu mieru 1, 042 66 Košice, Slovakia
421 (0) 55 726 8340
421 (0) 55 726 8149

Košice Autonomous Region (KSK) considers tourism to be one of the its industries and this is reflected in the Programme for the Economic and Social Development of Košice Autonomous Region 2007–2013 and the Concept for the Development of Tourism in KSK 2005–2013.

The activity of the department of the Tourism Section is based on and implements the policies specified in the Concept for the Development of Tourism 2005–2009 approved by the Council of KSK in 2005.

The Tourism Section is responsible for the following tasks: (i) processing the strategies and concepts of tourism development in Košice Self-Governing Region (hereinafter referred to as the Region); (ii) participating in the creation of an information system for the Region; (iii) organising workshops promoting development in the Region; (iv) ensuring the implementation of tasks arising from resolutions of the Slovak Government; (v) co-operating with the Slovak Tourist Board and the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and other specialised institutions; (vi) providing a tourism counselling service for cities, villages, micro-regions and Associations of Tourism in the region; (vii) promoting tourism in the region; (viii) participating in the collection, processing and evaluation of statistical data on tourism in the region; (ix) co-operating with foreign regions in promoting tourism; (x) promoting tourist attractions in the region at regional, domestic and foreign tourism fairs and exhibitions; (xi) creating promotional materials and publications about the region focusing on tourist attractions; (xii) participating in the preparation of projects to obtain EU Structural Funds and funds from the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and other organisations; and (xiii) providing a counselling service for university students.

At present a strategy for the development of tourism in regions within KSK is being prepared covering the following areas: (i) strategy for the development of tourism in the Slovenský Kras National Park; strategy for the development of tourism in the Dolný Zemplín region; and strategy for the development of tourism in the Slovenský Raj National Park.
