Poprad Municipal Information Centre
Poprad Municipal Information Centre belongs under the administrative structure of Poprad Municipal Government, where it is incorporated into the Department of Regional Development, Tourism and Municipal Information Centre. The importance of the MIC for the city and the region lies in its ability to provide locals, tourists and business travellers with a complex and topical array of tourism services. The main activity of the MIC is to provide free information about the city and region, cultural, social and sporting events, providing tourism services, producting and distributing promotional materials, providing information in websites and assuring the presentation of the city at touristic fairs and exhibitions.
The MIC also provides pre-sale and sale of tickets for cultural, sporting and social events as well as the sale of tourist maps, guides, video publications, promotional materials, DVDs, CDs, souvenirs and gift items.
Poprad Municipal Information Centre is a member of the Association of Information Centres of Slovakia (AICES), Liptovský Mikuláš, whose members are the tourist and municipal information centres of various structures and forms.