Slovak Union of Visual Arts (SVÚ)

- Visual arts
Established in 1991 in succession to the former Slovak Union of Visual Artists, the Slovak Union of Visual Arts is a voluntary, apolitical, professional and protective civic institution which associates artists, theoreticians and workers in the field of visual arts. The union is a legal entity active with a national scope. It is based in the original building of the former Arts Association of Slovakia, built in 1924 to a design by architects Balan and Grossman. The rights and duties of its members are regulated by the Statutes of the Slovak Union of Visual Arts. Pursuant to the statutes, SVÚ promotes artistic activity, protects specific interests and secures the international co-operation of its members.
The Slovak Union of Visual Arts brings together the following: A – R, ART CLUB 60 + 8, AURa, INDIVISUAL, KOPA, N’89, Nové Sklo (New Glass), Obec Reštaurátorov Slovenska (Community of Restorers of Slovakia), PER SPECTRUM, Spoločnosť voľných výtvarných umelcov (Society of Free Visual Artists), SPOLOK C + S, Spolok maďarských výtvarných umelcov v Slovenskej republike (Society of Hungarian Visual Artists in the Slovak Republic), VEKTORYart, Združenie keramikov Slovenska (Association of Ceramicists of Slovakia), Združenie medailérov Slovenska (Association of Medal Makers of Slovakia), Združenie pre umenie KATEDRUM, Združenie priemyselných dizajnérov Slovenska (Association of Industrial Designers of Slovakia) , Združenie prvého mája (1st May Association) , Združenie slovenských profesionálnych fotografov (Association of Slovak Professional Photographers), and Združenie textilných výtvarníkov TxT (Association of Textile Visual Artists). The Union's President is academic painter Pavol Kráľ.
The Slovak Union of Visual Arts is a member of the International Association of Art - I.A.A. UNESCO, has a representation in Executive Commitee IAA EUROPE UNESCO, contributes in preparation and managing Conference on law and social status of European artists (in Paris, Centre Pompidou, 2008) and is a member of the Slovak Coalition for Cultural Diversity. It has a delegate in Panel which represents Slovak Union of Visual Arts on national and international basis. Members representing specific art fields are associated on professional, generational and regional bases.