Association of Fine Arts Theoreticians, Critics and Historians, Bratislava
- Visual arts
The Association of Fine Arts Theoreticians, Critics and Historians (ATKH) is a free, democratic, professional protective association of fine arts professional associtions of theoreticians, critics and historians. The main aim of ATKH is to to promote the development of Slovak fine arts and fairly evaluate fine arts cultura of the past and present in its whole extension. ATKH protects professional interests and rights of its members.
Members of ATKH are:
The Association of Modern Arts Historians (Združenie historikov moderného výtvarného umenia (ZHMVU)
Circle K (Kruh K) - The Circle of Historians of the Fine Arts History
The Association of Current Fine Arts Theoreticians (Združenie teoretikov súčasného výtvarného umenia - ZTSVU)
ERRATA - The group of young fine arts cholars and consumers
The Association of Fine Art Theoreticians, Critics and Historian is involved in supporting the development of art theory and history. The Association presents the Marián Váross Award: