Roman Catholic Wooden Church at Tvrdošín

Roman Catholic Wooden Church at Tvrdošín (photo by Ľubica Pinčíková)
Rímskokatolícky drevený Kostol Všetkých svätých v Tvrdošíne
Contact: Ivan Šaško Mayor
027 44 Tvrdošín, Slovakia
Mailing address: 
Obecný úrad Tvrdošín, 027 44 Tvrdošín, Slovakia
421 (0) 43 532 2100
421 (0) 43 532 2107
10am-5pm daily except during church services

Roman Catholic Wooden Church at Tvrdošín (photo by Ľubica Pinčíková)

UNESCO World HeritageOriginally constructed in the late 15th century, the Roman Catholic Wooden Church at Tvrdošín was rebuilt in Renaissance style in the 17th century.

The interior features a late 17th-century Baroque altar, a Late Renaissance pulpit with figures of the Evangelists from 1654, paintings of the Apostles and of St George fighting a dragon, and a spectacular set of dome paintings.

The expert reconstruction and restoration of the church was awarded a prize by EUROPA NOSTRA in 1993 and the church itself, as the National Cultural Monument, was included in the list of European cultural heritage.. The church at Tvrdošín, along with seven other wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, has been included on UNESCO's World Heritage List.
