Roman Catholic Wooden Church of St Francis of Assisi at Hervartov

Rímskokatolícky drevený Kostol sv. Františka z Assisi v Hervartove
Contact: Miroslav Mackanič Mayor
Telephone: 421 (0) 908 879664
Hervartov, 086 22 Klušov, Slovakia
Mailing address:
Obecný úrad Hervartov, Hervartov 84, 086 22 Kľušov, Slovakia
421 (0) 54 472 3760
10am-5pm daily except during church services
The Roman Catholic Wooden Church of St Francis of Assisi at Hervartov dates from 1499-1500 and is the oldest and best-preserved wooden church in Slovakia. The Gothic pictures and wall paintings dating from 1655 and 1805 are the most valuable parts of its interior.
The church at Hervartov, along with seven other wooden churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area, has been included on the UNESCO's Word Heritage List.