
The APRM Questionnaire is divided into four major sections corresponding to the overall objectives to be achieved by the questionnaire. These are:

  • Democracy and political governance;
  • Economic governance and management;
  • Corporate governance;
  • Socio-economic development.

You can download the full questionnaire, print it out and fill in your submission. (Questionnaire - PDF document 427 Kb) You can then submit it to the APRM.
OR you can fill in the questionnaire online.

If you would like to fill in the questionnaire online you can:

  1. Select the section of the questionnaire you would like to complete by clicking on the link on the left hand navigation bar.
  2. Each section of the questionnaire is divided up into several objectives. Each of these objectives will be met by measuring compliance to standards and codes approved by the countries participating in the APRM. Objectives will also be met by answering several questions relating to the objective. Each of the questions also has a set of indicators.
  3. Read through the brief description of the section.
  4. Click on the + sign to display the actual question and fill in your submission.
  5. Click the submit button.
  6. Now fill in the form with your name and contact details.
  7. Press submit.
  8. Please note: you are welcome to make as many submissions as possible.

For questions about the questionnaire please contact:

Kenny Hlela
Tel: +27 (0) 12 314 7295


Minette Greyling
Tel: +27 (0) 12 314 7295