The APRM Governing Council, appointed at the First APRM Consultative Conference consists of 20 members from Civil Society and 10 from Government.
The Chairperson of the Governing Council is the Minister of Department of Public Service and Administration, Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi.
Civil Society Representatives | Mr Jerry Vilakazi Business Unity South Africa 011 784 8000 |  | Mr. Looks Matoto Disabled People South Africa Fax: 040 639 2245 |  | Ms. Zanele Twala SANGOCO 011 403 7746 |  | Dr. Nomonde Mqhayi SA Youth Council 011 389 0563 Fax: 011 909 3015 |  | Ms. Thabisile Msezane SA Council of Churches 011 969 5938 Fax: 011 969 5938 |  | Mr. Randall Howard SATAWU (COSATU Representative) 011 333 6127 Fax: 011 333 9199 |  | Dr Mongane Wally Serote Arts and Culture 012 470 7421 |  | Mr. Master Mahlobogoane SANCO Fax: 011 329 6908 |  | Ms. Laura Kganyago National Women's Coalition Fax: 011 331 0437 |  | Mr. Moemedi Kepadisa NACTU 011 833 1040 |
Government Representatives Dr. Essop Pahad | Minister in the Presidency | Mr. Trevor Manuel | Minister of Finance | Mr. Mandisi Mpahlwa | Minister of Trade and Industry | Ms. Bridgette Mabandla | Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development | Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi | Minister of Public Service and Administration |
Additional Members Ms M. Mbekeli | Nepad Business Foundation | Ms Fadila Lagadien | Disabled People South Africa | Mr Hassan Lorgat | Sangoco | Ms Martha Makholo | South African Council of Churches | Mr Ashwin Trikamjee | South African Hindu Maha Sabha | Mr Bheki Ntshalintshali | COSATU | Ms Kholiwe Makhohliso | Cultural Sector/Freedom Park | Mr Donovan Williams | SANCO | Ms Dudu Mhlongo | National Women's Coalition | Mr Mahlomola Skosana | NACTU | Mr Jabu Moleketi | Deputy Minister: Finance | Prof. Anver Saloojee | Presidency | Adv. Johnny De Lange | Deputy Minister: Justice | Dr. Rob Davies | Deputy Minister: Trade and Industry |