On the Homefront

On the Home Front...
I am so lucky I get to enjoy my kids fulltime-the pleasure of owning our own business!!

It is hard to believe, but we now have a five, three, and two year in our household. It seems like only yesterday they were helpless little babies. I am amazed, actually how self-sufficient they have become!
ShelbyShelby, our resident five year old, is mommy's best friend, and vice-versa. She is a beautiful, blonde little gal who fools everyone she meets-everyone guesses she is seven!! She continues to love animals, and our household reflects it. Lets see, we have a rabbit, two cats, three dogs…. Shelby's corgi, Valentine, is nearly obedience trained, as Shelby enjoys watching the dog shows on animal planet.
Shelby and her new horseCustom cattle feeding, ranch marketing & management, and dairy & beef heifer development is offered by Teague Diversified, Inc.

Shelby also got a horse this summer, who has been named several times over. Crystal, er, uh, Diamond, Krissy, etc. is a wonderful, kind, honest mare who is great at building confidence in all three kids-she will be worth her weight in gold. Shelby is fast becoming a good little horsewoman, particularly for her age, and is proud that mommy brags about her "warming up" mommy's cutting horse "Sam" at the cuttings. She certainly has become a wonderful companion!!
Custom cattle feeding, ranch marketing & management, and dairy & beef heifer development is offered by Teague Diversified, Inc.



TuckerTucker is no doubt Daddy's favorite little boy. Tucker proclaims daily that he is going to "drive a beet pulp truck" for a living-(at this point, school  is a little scary to think about)-and yearns to go with Gary to work every chance he gets. We are amazed, but his time clock is set, and he is up with the sun on Saturdays and Sundays, ready to go "call the feed bunks" Tucker and Charlee Jo with Daddy. He has gotten to be such a little man-with an outgoing, expressive side coupled with the need to cuddle with his blankie and his yellow kitten each morning. Tucker also has started to enjoy the horses with his mom and sisters-much to Gary's dismay!!!


Charlee Jo is our charming, lovable two year old. She loves her little babies, and lives to mother her cousin Taya. She is going to be a wild one when she hits her teenage years, Charlee Jo we are afraid that we are going to have to button down the hatches. Lucky for her, she is cute and charming-and she has learned to use these traits to her advantage!! She keeps up with her brother and sister, and is athletic and intellectual enough to stay right Charlee Jowith them in most everything they undertake. She dislikes very much when someone puts words into her mouth or trys to do something for her, but can transform into Mommy's "little baby" who can't walk and can't talk and needs to be cuddled in a heartbeat. WATCH OUT, WORLD!!!!
Custom cattle feeding, ranch marketing & management, and dairy & beef heifer development is offered by Teague Diversified, Inc.

They are all such wonderful kids, they make us proud to be able to claim them-we are the luckiest, most blessed people in the world because of our children!!