- a technique of proton magnetometry with gradient adjustment of sensors which search for residual magnetic fields on sites
- location of anomalies like metal objects or objects with high occurrence of magnetic susceptibility (burnt clay, burnt-out areas, objects of non-ferrous metal, etc.)
- numerical processing of results
- maps are made, topographical description and GDM system of coordinates added
- shape, scope and values of magnetic anomalies on maps are examined and interpreted preliminarily (geological anomalies, metal pieces of recent age, engineering networks, etc.))
- anomalies of possible archaeological importance are selected, a pedological probe or drill hole is conducted; if soil of anthropogenic origin is found, samples are collected and their magnetic susceptibility is determined in laboratories.
- with the collected data, a site is valued and individual archaeological features or complexes of features (cemeteries, settlements) shown.
Geophysical survey was conducted on the following sections: | Site numbers correspond with maps. |
Section | From-To | Km
| |
4704 | LipnÃk nad BeÄvou-BÄlotÃn | 90,766-106,153 |  |
No. | Cadastral unit | Track | Type | Culture | 3 | LouÄka | PadÄlky II | | | 4 | LouÄka | ProstÅednà | | | 5 | Jezernice | Ãzké nad Jezernicà | | | 6 | PodhoÅà nad MoravÄ | Shony | | | 7 | PodhoÅà na MoravÄ | KÅiby | | | 8 | PodhoÅà na MoravÄ | Souhrada | | | 9 | Milenov | Karbel | | | 10 | Milenov | Podsedek | | | 11 | Milenov | Pastviska | | | 13 | Hrabůvka | Od VeliÄska | | | 14 | Velká u Hranic | Velké PadÄlky I | | | 17 | Velká u Hranic | Za horáckou I | | | 18 | PodhoÅà na MoravÄ | Za horáckou II | | | 19 | StÅÃtež | KluÄe | | | 20 | BÄlotÃn | Moravská brána | | | 64 | PodhoÅà na MoravÄ | Pod vÄelÃnem | | |
4707 | Bravantice-Rudná | 136,000-146,600 |  |
40 | Bravantice | | | | 41 | Bravantice | JV obce | | | 42 | Bravantice | | | | 43 | Bravantice | SV obce | | | 44 | Bravantice | SV obce | | | 45 | Olbramice | J obce | | | 46 | Olbramice | SZ dvora Janovice | | | 47 | Klimkovice | Pod lánem | | | 48 | Klimkovice | | | | 49 | Klimkovice | VÅesinské pole | | | 50 | Klimkovice | | | | 51 | Polanka nad Odrou | V od Václavovic | | | 53 | Polanka nad Odrou | Velká strana | | |
4709.1/1 | HruÅ¡ov-BohumÃn | 155,140-159,620 |  |
55 | HruÅ¡ov | soutok Ostravice a Odry | | | 56 | Vrbina | pravý bÅeh Odry | | |
4709.1/2 | HruÅ¡ov-BohumÃn | 159,620-163,800 |  |
57 | AntoÅ¡ovice | J obce | | | 58 | AntoÅ¡ovice-Vrbina | Äerný les | | | 59 | AntoÅ¡ovice-Paseky | | | | 60 | Starý BohumÃn | U Vrbiny | |