Hungarian Workers' Cultural Association of Slovakia (CSEMADOK)

- National minority culture
Established on 5 March 1949 in Bratislava as a part of the Czechoslovak National Front, CSEMADOK (an abbreviation for its original name Csehszlovákiai Magyar Dolgozók Kultúregyesülete) is the national cultural society of ethnic Hungarians in Slovakia. Since its inception the name of the organisation has changed several times, however the term CSEMADOK has remained as the official logo of the organisation up to this day.
The major focus of CSEMADOK is the development and presentation of Hungarian national culture in Slovakia. It currently administers 16 regional offices and one central office. The task of these offices is to co-ordinate the work of 396 basic organisations, which together consist of approximately 50,000 members.
As a cultural and civic association CSEMADOK has become an important part of the social life of Hungarians living in Slovakia, since it is able, if necessary, to mobilise a significant force in order to protect Hungarian rights, traditions and culture and to preserve the identity of the Hungarian minority living in Slovakia.
CSEMADOK organises cultural events and supports a range of ethnic Hungarian performing groups. Since 1951 it has published the monthly Fáklya ('The Torch'), and since December 1956 the weekly A Hét ('The Week').