Croatian Cultural Association in Slovakia

- National minority culture
The Croatian Cultural Association in Slovakia is the national body of the Croatian national minority in Slovakia. It was founded at a Croatian Congress in 1990 on the initiative of Croatian Cultural Associations in Cunovo, Devinska Nova Ves, Jarovce and Chorvátsky Grob.
Together with Museum of Croatian Culture in Slovakia SNM, Bratislava, the Croatian Cultural Association in Slovakia has been based since 2005 at the purpose-built Cultural and Social Centre building at Istrijská Street 68 in Bratislava-Devínska Nová Ves. These are adequate premises for exhibition and club activities, and for the presentation of editorial output as well as for organisation of scientific events. Croats from neighbouring Austria and Hungary attend most of these activities. Croats from Croatia also participate and often initiate these events.
The Association receives financial support through projects funded by the Ministry of Culture and grants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Croatia.