Anna Koléniová’s House - Slovak National Council of 1848 Memorial House, Myjava

Anna Koléniová’s House - Slovak National Council of 1848 Memorial House, Myjava (photo by Peter Fratrič)
Dom pani Koléniovej - Pamätný dom Slovenská národná rada z roku 1848, Myjava
Contact: Alena Petráková (f) Deputy Director
Štúrova 276/2, 907 01 Myjava, Slovensko
421 (0) 34 245 1101, 421 (0) 34 245 1102
421 (0) 34 245 1855
8am-4pm Mon-Fri, closed Sat-Sun

Anna Koléniová’s House - Slovak National Council of 1848 Memorial House, Myjava (photo by Peter Fratrič)

The first sitting of the Slovak National Council was held at Anna Koléniová’s House in 1848. The building was declared a National Cultural Monument in 1966 and is currently administered as a component of the Museum of the Slovak National Councils SNM.

The memorial plaque on the building’s façade reads ‘In this building of the outstanding Mrs Kolénička was founded the first headquarters of the national fighters of Slovakia. Here were the first heads and leaders of the uprising of the Slovak people. Here were received delegations from surrounding villages, orders issued under the seal and signature of the Slovak National Council. From here calls were sent out to the Slovak nation. And here sinners and traitors of the Slovak nation promised repentance. As a memorial this house will remain, as will the family living in it, to the faithful son and daughter of Slovakia’ (citation from the work History of the Slovak Uprising 1848 by Mikuláš Dohnány of 1850).

The house is furnished with traditional furniture of the period, including the authentic Hurban table at which the first Slovak National Council sat.
