Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF



First Aid & Treatment Advice:

How Do I Treat Sunburn?

You may not immediately see the effects of overexposure to the sun. It may take up to 24 hours before the full damage is visible. The two most common types of burns are first degree burns and second degree burns.

First degree sunburns cause redness and will heal, possibly with some peeling, within a few days. These can be painful and are best treated with cool baths and bland moisturizers or over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams. Avoid the use of "-caine" products (such as benzocaine) which may cause sensitivity to a broad range of important chemicals. Aspirin taken orally may lessen early development of sunburn.

Second degree sunburns blister and can be considered a medical emergency if a large area is affected. When a burn is severe, accompanied by a headache, chills or a fever, seek medical help right away.

Be sure to protect your skin from the sun while it heals and thereafter!




Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF

What's a Tan?

A tan is the skin's response from exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The sun's UV rays darken granules of the skin pigment melanin - which is an amino acid, tyrosine, synthesized by special cells in the skin's surface layers called melanocytes. Exposure to some of the sun's radiation also stimulates the pigment producing melanocytes in deeper layers of the skin thereby causing a delayed tan about three days after exposure. The tan wears off when the skin's top layers wear off.

Claudia Tanning on the North Shore

Adults have about 60,000 melanocytes per each square inch of skin. Skin color is determined by how much pigment the cells make and what color it is. It ranges from black (for some of us locals, blue) to a light tan. Melanin production is also caused by other factors such as, the heat, some chemicals, hormones and drugs mostly in combination with sun exposure, x-rays, and some common inflammatory skin diseases.

Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF



From the LA TIMES' Series on . . .


Protect Your Eyes Wear Sunglasses!Catch the rays before they catch you.

Protect Your Eyes Wear Sunglasses! When at the beach, where the general idea is to take off most of your clothes, be conscious of how much time you are exposing your skin to the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet rays is cumulative over the years; eventually it can give you a leathery look and lead to skin cancer.

Protect Your Eyes Wear Sunglasses!Beach visitors who are not used to it, and especially those with fair skin, should use sunblock cream or lotion with a sun protective factor (SPF) of at least 15, or maybe even 21 or higher. Apply it at the beginning. Don't wait until the day is half over or until your skin starts feeling hot or looking pink; by then it will be too late. The sun's rays are most intense between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Especially during the hot summer months.

[AAD LOGOPlease Note: The Amercan Academy of Dermatology now recommends that you limit your exposure to the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Protect Your Eyes Wear Sunglasses! Ultraviolet rays, the ones that do damage, go right through clouds, so it is possible to get sunburned even on overcast days. Water is reflective, bouncing UV rays up to zap you on undersides you think are shaded. Apply some of that protective lotion under your nose, as well as on top of it.

Copyright © 1995, Los Angeles Times.
Used With Permission.

 ^^^ A Very Special Note, Protect Your Beach Baby

Babies under one (1) year of age should stay out of the sun. Use lightweight, light-colored clothing. Always cover a baby's head with a hat that has a wide brim. Only ever use a low level sunblock (around 4 SPF - Sun Protection Factor) as an infant's skin is sensitive and system may not be able to "flush out" chemicals absorbed through the skin.


Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF



kids use your ABCs for safe fun in the sun


Parents PROTECT Yourself and Your Children From the Sun With These


stay *A*way from the midday sunStay Away from the midday sun - especially from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - when the sun's rays are the strongest.

*B*lock the sun - apply sunscreen!To Block the sun apply sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 about 20 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every two hours and after swimming and sweating. Apply sunscreen beginning at 6 months of age.

*C*over up!Cover up with a wide-brim hat or visor, tightly woven clothing and sunglasses when outdoors.

keep keiki in the *S*hade!Shade - Keep infants under 6 months of age out of direct sunlight and in the shade. Use an umbrella over the stroller.

- From the Good Doctors of the American Academy of Dermatology & American Academy of Pediatrics


Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF


 * Sun Tan Lotions,
Creams and


  • Should Be Used Whenever You're in the Sun
  • Should Have a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or Above
    (Many of Our Lifeguards Use 30+ SPF.)
  • Should Be Broad Spectrum - Block UVA and UVB Rays
  • Should Be Applied Early
  • Should Be Re-Applied At Least Every Two (2) Hours
  • Should Be Applied Even When It's Cloudy
  • Should Be Used Only To Protect -- Are NOT a License To Tan
  • Should Always Be Used on Keiki (Children)!
  • Should be up-to-date. Check the date on your sunscreen. If it’s expired, the active ingredients may no longer absorb UV light.









Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF


From the July 9, 1996 ... banner

Science Questions and Answers


Q. What does an S.P.F. rating mean on my suntan lotion?

. The letters S.P.F. stands for sun protection factor, but dermatologists wish people didn't think the numbers offered a license to tan.

Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPFA factor is a number used to multiply another number, in this case your time in the sun before burning. An S.P.F. of 2 means that if you usually start to burn in 20 minutes, using the product would, in a perfect world, let you bask twice as long before you burn, assuming that the product is fresh and full strength, that you apply enough (at least an ounce) and that you don't swim or sweat it off.

Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPFThe almost universal medical advice is to talk about sunscreen or sunblock, not suntan and certainly not sunburn. And almost universally, dermatologists say an S.P.F. of 15 is what you routinely need to help you protect your skin just from burns.

Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPFAnd a burn is just the tip of the iceberg. The S.P.F. estimates only the amount of protection provided against ultraviolet-B rays, the so-called burning rays, which attack the skin surface, while insidious damage is done by the deeply-penetrating UVA rays, which destroy the skin's support structure. Some products will cut down both kinds.

Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPFThe S.P.F. number dates from 1978, when the Food and Drug Administration proposed that manufacturers label sun-care products with codes from 2 to 15, based on how long they would multiply time in the sun before burning. Until 1986, the highest S.P.F. available was 20. New technology has made the top number of 1978 virtually the bottom number for cautious outdoors people of 1996, though higher and higher S.P.F.'s provide smaller and smaller increases in protection.

Readers are invited to submit questions about science to Questions, Science Times, The New York Times, 229 West 43d Street, New York, N.Y. 10036.

Copyright © 1996 The New York Times Company.
Used With Permission.



Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF


Daily Ultraviolet (UV) Forecast:


Click Here To Go To the Latest UV Index For Honolulu (and Other U. S. Cities)
Click Here For Detailed Information About And On How To Use The Index


EPA Logo-8cClick Here to Visit the Environmental Protection Agency's Informative and Instructive Site on the UV Index




Wear A Sunscreen With At Least a 15 SPF




And, . . . Always Be Sure To Wear Your Sunglasses!

AAO LOGOThe American Academy of Ophthalmology offers the following guidelines when shopping for sunglasses:

  • Wear Sunglasses to Protect Your EyesChoose glasses labelled to block 99-100% UV-A and UV-B light. UV, or ultraviolet, radiation in sunlight is linked to eye disease. Price has no bearing on UV light protection.
  • UV light protection comes from a chemical coating applied to the lens, not from the color or darkness of the lens.
  • Polarized lenses cut reflected glare and are useful for driving and fishing. Polarization has nothing to do with UV light protection, although many are now combined with a UV-light blocking substance.
  • Wear Wraparound Sunglasses To Protect Your Eyes!Large-framed wraparound sunglasses can protect your eyes from all angles, as opposed to ordinary eyeglass frames that may allow light to enter.
  • Even if you wear contacts with UV protection, remember your sunglasses.
  • Wear Wraparound Sunglasses To Protect Your Eyes!In addition to the damage caused by a lifetime of exposure to bright sun, you need to protect your eyes from acute damage caused by single outings on very bright days. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light reflected off sand or pavement can damage the cornea, the eye's surface. Similar to a sunburn on your skin, corneal ultraviolet injuries are painful, but usually heal quickly.

    And . . .

  • . . . ophthalmologists recommend that you wear  * HAT99-100% UV-absorbent sunglasses and a broad-rimmed hat whenever you're in the sun long enough to get a suntan or a sunburn. Don't be fooled by a cloudy day. The sun's rays can pass through the haze and thin clouds.