Southern Bell Frog

Litoria raniformis

This large frog lives among vegetation in and around swamps, dams and small pools of still water. It feeds mainly on insects and also preys on other frogs. Unlike most frogs, it is active during the day and is often seen basking in the sun. Once common, it is now
thought to be declining, for reasons which are not fully understood.

The Southern Bell Frog (Litoria raniformis) – also known as the Growling Grass Frog is one of Australia’s largest frogs and an important part of wetland ecosystems. Once common throughout Victoria, the Southern Bell Frog has diminished in number over the last decade, particualrly in surburban areas.
Like many frog species, habitat loss, disease and introduced predators such as foxes, dogs and cats have impacted on Southern Bell Frogs. In addition, loss of habitat due to urban development has caused dangerous fragmentation to existing populations.