Association of Slovak Librarians

ssk - logo
Spolok slovenských knihovníkov
Contact: Silvia Stasselová (f) President
Telephone: 421 (0) 2 5927 4494, 421 (0) 904 694054
Contact: Marta Weissová (f) Secretary
Telephone: 421 (0) 2 5726 9108, 421 (0) 905 758099


Michalská 1, 814 17 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 5927 4494, 421 (0) 904 694054

ssk - logoThe Association of Slovak Librarians is a civic association which brings together librarians and bibliographical and information workers from libraries and bibliographic and information offices in the Slovak Republic and is a separate legal entity based in Bratislava.

The Association is the direct successor to the Union of Slovak Librarians and Information Scientists. The aim of the Association is to create a platform for the professional, cultural and social development of its members and to represent their interests in relations with public and other bodies and organisations, regardless of their professional, political and ethnic affiliation.
