World's Cultural Properties!
Nakagusuku Castle site is located two kilometers from the old trading port of Ygi on an elevation of 150-160 meters above sea level. Its steep slopes and jagged cliffs offer a natural landscape for a castle site. This historic site runs from the northwestern portion of Nakagusuku Village and up to the southern side of Kita-Nakagusuku Village. Of the approximately 300 castle ruins found in the prefecture, this castle is one of the best preserved in its original state. Standing upon its stonewalls, visitors can enjoy the panoramic view of Nakagusuku Bay (Pacific Ocean) to the east and East China to the west. The Katsuren peninsula appears to the left of bay and the Chinen Peninsula to the right.
In between the two peninsula the sandy shores of Tsuken and Kudaka islands are visible in the horizon.

Upon Okinawa's reversion to Japan which occurred on May 15, 1972, Nkagusuku Castle was also designated as a National Historic Site. Its total area measures 112,399 square meters (34,000 tsubos) of which 14,473 square merters (4,378 tsubos) is located within the castle citadels. At present, the castle has been nominated for listing under the International Teaty of World's Cultural Legacy. It is certain to be the center of interest and attention in the years to come.
.....A breath of romance captivates the old castle of the Southern Seas. The wind blows over the sonewalls and vistors alike are enchanted as they enter this world, the of ancient Ryukyu.
* KO (Ancient) RYUKYU Refers to the full histotical account of Okinawa's past. It covers the period of the three kingdoms until their unification, the account of the Satsuma invasion, the historical events and developments prior to the 14th century and up to the beginning of the 17th century. Written in detail here are the trading days with nations abroad, the establishment of the Ryukyu kingdom and the beginning of its indigenous cultural development.
Pictur credit:Okinawa Times,Ltd