
Viva Musica!

Established in 2004, Viva Musica! is the biggest open air summer festival of classical and jazz music in Slovakia. Its main ambition is to bring the highest level of artistry out into the streets and thus present this style of music to the largest possible audience.

Evenings of New Music

Established in 1994, the Evenings of New Music International Festival presents current happening in the area of new music. It is a small festival but since its inception its organisers have managed to add Bratislava to the list of European cities which keep up to date with current trends in musical art.

Folk Music Instruments in Slovakia, Banská Bystrica

The Folk Music Instruments in Slovakia exhibition is located in the State Scientific Library at Banská Bystrica and includes over 250 folk musical instruments from different regions of Slovakia, together with objects connected with their fabrication and utilisation, plus numerous pictures and other documents relating to leading musicians, producers and interpreters.

Divertimento musicale

Celoštátna postupová súťažná prehliadka komornej a symfonickej hudby. Poslaním prehliadky je podchytiť talentovaných inštrumentalistov v rôznych komorných a nástrojových obsadeniach, podporiť a ďalej rozvíjať ich umeleckú a koncertnú činnosť v oblasti vážnej hudby a porovnať ich výsledky.

Divertimento musicale

Launched in 1984, Divertimento musicale is the national advancement competitive festival of chamber and symphonic music. The mission of the festival is to encourage talented instrumentalists in different chamber and instrumental groupings, and to promote and further develop their artistic and concert activity in the area of classical music and compare their results.

Predajňa Musica slovaca

Predajňa Musica slovaca je orientovaná na ponuku produkcie vydavateľstva Hudobného fondu – Katalóg edičných titulov a Katalóg nosičov a na tvorbu slovenských skladateľov. Na objednávku zabezpečí aj diela, nachádzajúce sa v archíve Hudobného fondu. Predáva odbornú knižnú produkciu, nosiče propagujúce slovenskú tvorbu a interpretačné umenie od domácich vydavateľov (OPUS, H-plus, Hudobné centrum, Scriptorium Musicum, Diskant, Slovart Records, Divyd, Amadeo).

Musica slovaca Slovak Music Store

Musica slovaca Slovak Music Store - logoThe Musica Slovaca Slovak Music Store specialises in selling works (music, books, CDs) published by the Music Fund featuring work by Slovak composers and from the Archive of the Music Fund.


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