What is Bodybuilding?



Bodybuilding:by Anton Maartens.



Bodybuilding has become a very popular sport over the past few decades. A bodybuilder trains with heavy weights to increase strength and to build large muscles for posing competitions or cosmetic purposes.

The activity is often also known as ‘weight training’, ‘working out’ or ‘pumping iron’.

During bodybuilding competitions participants strike certain poses, such as the ‘Crab Most Muscular’, the ‘Back Double Bicep’ or the ‘Kneeling Side Chest’, to display the level of development of various muscle groups in their body.

These poses aim to show off the development, size and shape of the different muscles in the best possible way.

Various training methods are used by bodybuilders to get results, including training techniques like Positions of Flexion (POF), Static Contraction Training (SCT), High Intensity Training (HIT), Superslow Training, Hyper Contraction and Plyometrics.

Bodybuilding also has a unique language of its own. Many common terms are used by bodybuilders all over the world, such as ‘cheat’, spotting’, ‘cutting up’, ‘forced reps’ and ‘pump’.

Bodybuilding has become an extremely competitive sport. Unfortunately many top bodybuilders all over the world use anabolic steroids, hormones and other possibly dangerous substances to reach the highest possible level of achievement in their sport.

However, experts disagree on whether the use of these aids are dangerous or not and the topic remains a controversial issue. Athletes who prefer not to use steroids can opt to participate in what is know as ‘natural bodybuilding’.

People often confuse bodybuilding with weightlifting or powerlifting. However, they are two totally different types of sport. Powerlifting is a sport in which the participant does competition lifts to try and lift the heaviest possible amount of weight.

The fundamental goal of powerlifting is to get strong. In bodybuilding the goal is to develop large muscles and low bodyfat. This requires a different type of fitness and training regime.

Also do not confuse bodybuilding with normal strength training that most people do in a health club or gymnasium.

Strength training is a recommended fitness activity for all people, both male and female. The goal of strength training is not to build huge muscles, but to improve functional strength, muscle endurance and general fitness to promote overall health and increase quality of life.