Kick The Morning Blues


by Dr Jeremy Sims

Many of us are poor starters to the day. We feel languid, uninspired. It is as much as we can do to get out of bed and stand under the shower.

However, there are a number of techniques we can adopt to boost our energy levels and reduce our feelings of stress at the start of the day. The following are typical techniques and one that has been highly effective for a great many people.

Before getting out of bed in morning, prime your body for action through a series of gentle muscle stretches.

  • Start with your right foot, extend the toes upwards while inhaling gradually and deeply. Hold your breath to a count of 5 and then curl your toes as you exhale.
  • Repeat this exercise with your left foot.
  • Stretch out your whole body as you lie in bed pushing down with each foot, stretching your leg muscles.
  • Inhale and then as you exhale, stretch your arms above your head.
  • Gently rise from your bed and stand with an upright posture, both feet firmly on the floor.
  • Breathe deeply, curling your toes as you inhale and extending them on exhaling.

© HealthChat 2000

Dr. Sims is the Medical Director of FitStop, the UK's foremost group of health and fitness centers, and an expert on matters relating to fitness of body and mind. Having trained as a GP, he now works full-time in health promotion and has written extensively on the subject, including a monthly medical column in Mensa magazine. Dr. Sims was the original Virgin.Net online doctor.

Article courtesy of MediaPeak