Moray Eel

Moray eel bites are notorious for tendon and nerve damage in hands and feet. For minor bites, gently pull the edges of the skin open and remove embedded teeth either by rinsing or using tweezers. Scrub directly inside the bite with clean gauze or a cloth soaked in clean, fresh water. Press on the wound to stop bleeding. If bleeding persists, or the edges of a wound are jagged or gaping, the victim likely needs stitches. Taping a bite shut is often effective, but may leave a more visible scar than suturing. For more details on wound care, see Staph, Strep and General Wound Care. If a finger or toe is numb or won't move normally after a bite, see a doctor immediately.

Victims who appear pale, sweaty, and nauseated are in danger of fainting. Lower the victim to the ground.