Encouraging the development and values of leadership
Hence we:
An organisation's core values and ethics should underpin everything it does. This applies to higher education institutions as much as to any other organisation: how it markets itself in the UK and overseas, how it deals with its students, clients and its research, how it tackles conflicts of interests etc. There is much good practice on these and other issues but there are few comprehensive guides available for any university or college in the UK or overseas.
As a result, an advisory group of the CIHE and the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE), with key higher education organisations and a range of universities and colleges has developed the Guide "Ethics Matters: Managing Ethical Issues in Higher Education"
This guide was launched at the CIHE Council Meeting on the 5th October 2005.
The guide was the result of a successful consultative conference held in June 2005. To view further details on the proceedings of this event, click here to download the conference summary.