Expanding workforce skills
Hence CIHE:
- will continue to work with our Workforce Development Forum of policy and practitioner organisations to share knowledge and press for policy change
- want to see a continued expansion of higher education meeting business needs and involving business, including via work-based Foundation Degrees (FDs) and work-based learning
- will continue to press for learning and credit frameworks across the UK and for these to be consistent with EU policies
- will press for improved information and guidance so individuals can take more informed decisions on their learning
- will continue to encourage closer partnerships between businesses and HE and FE on workforce development and the evaluation of what works and why
- will work with Edge on the HE@Work initiative to pilot more employer engagement with HE learning providers.
- will work with partners (including the SSDA, HEFCE, UUK, London South Bank University) and employers and universities to explore how employer demand for the types of skills and qualifications graduates require is transmitted into the HE sector and how this is converted into the provision of learning by universities.