European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH/FEAP)

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European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH) - Forum Européen pour les Arts et le Patrimoine (FEAP)

Contact: Ilona Kish (f) Secretary General


10 rue de la Science, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

32 (0) 2 534 4002
32 (0) 2 534 1150

The European Forum for the Arts and Heritage (EFAH) was founded in 1992 to ensure that cultural associations, operators and artists have a voice in Europe. EFAH's members represent over 5,000 organisations across 25 EU Member States and beyond, active in all cultural domains, ranging from orchestras to writers' associations, academic institutions to heritage conservation organisations, national theatres to international cultural networks, conservatoires to choirs and festivals to foundations. They are the driving force of the organisation.
