Matica slovenská, Martin
Street address: Mudroňova 1, 036 52 Martin, Slovakia
Grosslingova 23, 812 51 Bratislava, Slovakia (branch)
Telephone: 421 (0) 43 413 3092
Fax: 421 (0) 43 413 3188
Proprietor: Matica slovenská, Martin
Contact: Jozef Markuš Chairman
Ján Eštok Manager

Matica slovenská has historically proved to be a major establishment of the Slovak nation in the field of cultural, social and scientific activities. The Slovak Republic authorised Matica slovenská to perform the task of strengthening Slovak nationalism, deepening the relationship of citizens to Slovak statehood, performing basic research into the Slovak language, contributing to the development of local and regional cultures, having influence especially on young people in a spirit of national, moral and democratic values, increasing national awareness of Slovaks in linguistically-mixed areas of the Slovak Republic, strengthening relations between the cultures of citizens belonging to national minorities and ethnic groups in the Slovak Republic and the Slovak national culture and taking care in preserving national awareness of Slovak compatriots living abroad. In addition, it is also responsible for grouping creators and fans of Slovak culture and science worldwide, supporting the promotion of the Slovak Republic through its own information and cultural centres established abroad, developing contacts with European and international organisations on issues of culture, national identity, spiritual life and the protection of general human values and establishing foundations and funds at home as well as abroad which support national and cultural life of Slovaks and award the most important creators from these fields of creative activity. It also co-operates with state bodies and bodies of regional self-government in the development of culture and social life; publishes original Slovak artistic creation, scientific works and journalism; and co-operates in the development of text books and teaching texts of some social science subjects for primary and secondary schools under the authority of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.