
Apple (photo by Noro Knap)
Contact: Šárka Ondrišová (f) Director
Contact: Tatiana Hrašková fundraising & sales manager
Miletičova 17/B, 821 08 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 5541 0716, 421 (0) 905 433378
421 (0) 2 5541 0716

Apple (photo by Noro Knap)

elledanse-logo (1)The elledanse – alternative theatre is a group of dancers and actors, who as a unit reach behind the borders of a conventional performance. Joining live music, movement, acting and dance gives an origin to a multi-genre art-experience. Over the period of 2 years two projects were successfully accomplished. The first one “Canto Hondo - A Deep Song about Her...” was awarded in three categories of Dosky Awards 2008 for Best production, Best directing and Best scenic music. The second one with a symbolic title “Apple” had a premiere in April 2009.

The elledanse – dance school concentrates on contemporary dance too but in addition it offers classes of many dance techniques. It cooperates with students from the Dance Faculty of the Academy of Moving and Performing Arts (VŠMU) and well-known dancers and choreographers from Slovakia (V. Šoltýs, A. Petrovič, Z. Kozánková, D. Raček, S. Vlčeková). Nowadays more than 70 students attend our school. Until now two projects “Dance Come Back!” and “Silent Snow” were presented. Thanks a new educational project „Tanečné návraty“ (Dance Homecomings) dancers have got an opportunity to acquire information on the latest trends in dance art through personal experience with Slovak dancers, educators and choreographers who work abroad.
