Bratislava Conservatory

Bratislava Conservatory is an art school established in 1919 which, in accordance with its tradition, has significantly influenced singing, music and drama arts in Slovakia.
Graduates of the Conservatory in Bratislava later work in professional ensembles (opera, theatres, chamber groups, orchestras, in the mass media, audio-visual studios and as art teachers at art schools). Bratislava Conservatory keeps in touch with a number of their graduates and with pleasure follows their professional career in the countries of the European Union, USA, Australia, Japan and elsewhere. The education is continuous, it takes six years. After a successful completion of the fourth grade students take a school-leaving examination, which is according to the UNESCO classification ISCED, level 3A a completion of higher secondary education. After a successful completion of the sixth grade and passing the graduation test graduates from the conservatory receive, according to the UNESCO classification ISCED 5B, higher vocational education and degree Dis. art. (Artist Diploma).